CYBERSECURE Incident Response and Forensics

Focused on Keeping Your Business Secure

Does your organization have the resources, expertise, and training in place to quickly recover from a data breach? If not, you need CYBERSECURE, your cybersecurity breach recovery solution.

Get In Touch

How Citrin Cooperman Can Help

It’s not a matter of “IF,” it’s a matter of “WHEN” your company will be breached. Our CYBERSECURE advisory solution is designed for businesses who want the peace of mind that they have a rapid response team in place to help them react and recover during a cyber incident. Sign up today, at no cost, and rest assured in the event of a breach, our team will be deployed immediately to identify the bad actors and expedite your recovery time to get you back up and running quickly.

You will receive:

  • A no-cost incident response engagement letter with terms and conditions to expedite the data breach response time
  • Front-of-the-line access to our rapid response breach recovery team and network partners
  • Discounted incident response rates when we perform one or more of the below:
    • Overall security assessment
    • Penetration and phishing tests
    • Virtual CISO

When You Should Reach Out

  • You've been breached
  • Your company does not have an incident/breach response plan in place
  • Roles and responsibilities during an incident are not clearly defined
  • You do not believe your company is prepared to respond to a cyber-attack
  • You do not have a third-party incident response and forensics firm on retainer

Value to Your Business

  • 24/7/365 Citrin Cooperman team prepared to quickly respond at the first signs of an attack
  • Expedited recovery times
  • Discounted pricing on all Citrin Cooperman’s TRAC cyber services
  • An incident/breach response plan designed and tested to guide your company through a prompt and effective response

Cybersecure Incident Response and Forensics Insights & Resources

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Our Cybersecure Incident Response and Forensics professionals are here to help.

Get in touch with a specialist today.

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