In Focus / Podcast

C-Suite Snacks: Containing Costs and Winning the Talent War - Best Practices on Managing Employee Benefits



Friday, October 22, 2021




Welcome to Citrin Cooperman's C-Suite Snacks podcast. Due to popular demand, we are now releasing all C-Suite Snacks webinar episodes as podcast episodes, starting from the top. 

Each episode will be around 30 minutes long and feature host Steve Ronan, partner and Strategy and Business Transformation Practice leader, diving into topics relevant to you with various industry advisors, business owners, and executives.

Even during the current work from home environment, companies should be keeping an eye on their employees and their benefits. Maintaining a healthy balance between cost-effectiveness and employee satisfaction is the key to staying afloat at this time.

In this episode, Shaun Gagnon of Cambridge Insurance Advisors discusses what you can do to strike that perfect balance and keep your company running smoothly.

Key takeaways included:

  • Insights into employee perceptions of benefits and culture - why they might consider leaving or staying
  • Ways to contain costs, including plan design, financing strategy, RX cost reduction, and more
  • The future of employee benefit


Subscribe and listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform below!


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