Wednesday, December 02, 2020
05:00 PM - 06:30 PM ET(02:00 PM - 03:30 PM PT)
Citrin Cooperman's CC EDGE team along with our special diversity & inclusion keynote speaker, Mallory Whitfield, held a unique celebration to close out 2020. We kicked off the holidays with a powerful, inspirational message about acceptance of ourselves and others, and understanding our uniqueness. The keynote was followed by intimate networking breakouts to give our guests a chance to make new connections.
Watch theCC EDGE Virtual Holiday replay video.
We thank you for joining us as we recognized one year since the launch of our Empowering Diversity and Gender Equality (EDGE) committee, and kicked off year two of awareness and growth.
Mallory is a New Orleans-based diversity & inclusion keynote speaker who brings plenty of energy and fun to her role. Drawing on decades of experience on stage, she is redefining what "normal" means, and building a movement that will change the way people think about diversity and inclusion.